Important note: Full-text versions of papers provided via this site are author versions. In the case of ACM publications (TOIS, SIGIR, CIKM, etc.) they are posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use; in the case of Springer publications (IR, etc) they are posted here by permission of Springer for your personal use. Not for redistribution.
Please cite definitive versions as noted in the bibtex entries.
121. Chunked Lists versus Extensible Arrays for Text Inversion ( BiBTeX
David Hawking and Bodo Billerbeck
120. Simulating Information Retrieval Test Collections ( BiBTeX
David Hawking, Bodo Billerbeck and Paul Thomas and Nick Craswell
119. Incorporating Query Term Independence Assumption for Efficient Retrieval and Ranking using Deep Neural Networks ( BiBTeX
Bhaskar Mitra, Corby Rosset and David Hawking, Nick Craswell and Fernando Diaz and Emine Yilmaz
118. Efficient in-memory, list-based text inversion (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Bodo Billerbeck
in Proceedings of ADCS 2017. .
117. Large-scale generative query autocompletion (pdf) BiBTeX
David Maxwell, Peter Bailey and David Hawking
in Proceedings of ADCS 2017. .
116. Text segmentation and Chinese site search (pdf) BiBTeX
Liyuan Zhou, David Hawking and Paul Thomas
in Proceedings of ADCS 2015. Parramatta, Australia.
115. On Term Selection Techniques for Patent Prior Art Search (pdf) BiBTeX
Mona Golestan Far, Scott Sanner and Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, Gabriela Ferraro and David Hawking
in Proceedings of SIGIR 2015. Santiago, Chile, pp. 803-806.
114. Merging algorithms for enterprise search (pdf) BiBTeX
PengFei Li, Paul Thomas and David Hawking
in Proceedings of ADCS 2013. Brisbane.
113. An enterprise search paradigm based on extended query auto-completion. Do we still need search and navigation? (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Kathy Griffiths
in Proceedings of ADCS 2013. Brisbane, Australia.
112. Dynamic similarity-aware inverted indexing for real-time entity resolution (pdf) BiBTeX
Banda Ramadan, Peter Christen and Huizhi Liang, Ross Gayler and David Hawking
in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Mining Applications in Industry and Government (DMApps 2013). Gold Coast, Australia.
111. Reordering an index to speed query processing without loss of effectiveness. (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Timothy Jones
in Proceedings of ADCS 2012. Dunedin, NZ, pp. 17-24.
110. Using anchor text for homepage and topic distillation search tasks (pdf) BiBTeX
Mingfang Wu, David Hawking and Andrew Turpin and Falk Scholer
JASIST , 2012, pp. 1235 - 1255.
109. Automated medical literature retrieval (pdf) BiBTeX
Alexander Krumpholz, David Hawking and Richard Jones, Tom Gedeon and Hugh Greville
Australasian Medical Journal 5(9), pp. 489-496.
108. Automatic identification of the most important elements in an
XML collection (pdf) BiBTeX
Alexander Krumpholz, Amir Hadad and Nina Studeny, Tom Gedeon and David Hawking
in Proceedings of ADCS. Canberra.
107. The usefulness of web spam (pdf) BiBTeX
Timothy Jones, Paul Thomas and David Hawking and Ramesh Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of ADCS. Canberra.
106. Relative effect of spam and irrelevant documents on user interaction with search engines (pdf) BiBTeX
Timothy Jones, David Hawking and Paul Thomas and Ramesh Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of CIKM. Glasgow, pp. 2113-2116.
105. What deliberately degrading search quality tells us about discount functions (pdf) BiBTeX
Paul Thomas, David Hawking and Timothy Jones
in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2011. Beijing.
104. Your Personal, Virtual Librarian (pdf) BiBTeX
Alexander Krumpholz, David Hawking and Tom Gedeon
in Gunther Kreuzberger and Aran Lunzer and Roland Kaschek (Ed.s), Interdisciplinary Advances in Adaptive and Intelligent Assistant Systems: Concepts, Techniques, Applications and Use. IGI Global, pp. 199-234.
103. Individual freedom and enlightened self-interest:
prerequisites for knowledge worker productivity? (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Tom Rowlands and Ramesh Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of Online Information 2010. London, UK, pp. 91-96.
102. Metasearch tools for desktop search (pdf) BiBTeX
Paul Thomas and David Hawking
in Proceedings of the SIGIR workshop on desktop search. Geneva, Switzerland.
101. Enterprise Search (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Berthier Ribeiro-Neto (Ed.s), Modern Information Retrieval, 2nd Ed.. Pearson Educational, pp. 641-684.
100. Live web search experiments for the rest of us (pdf) BiBTeX
Tim Jones, David Hawking and Ramesh Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of WWW2010. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
99. New-Web Search with Microblog Annotations (pdf) BiBTeX
Tom Rowlands, David Hawking and Ramesh Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of WWW2010. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
98. Similarity-aware indexing for real-time entity resolution (pdf) BiBTeX
Christen, P., Gayler, R. and Hawking, D.
in Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management. , pp. 1565-1568.
97. Web Information Retrieval (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell and David Hawking
in Ayse G\"oker and John Davies (Ed.s), Information Retrieval: Searching in the 21st Century. Wiley, pp. 85-101.
96. New methods for creating testfiles: Tuning enterprise search with C-TEST (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Paul Thomas and Tom Gedeon, Tim Jones and Tom Rowlands
in Proceedings of the SIGIR workshop on the Future of IR Evaluation. Boston, USA.
95. C-TEST: Supporting novelty and diversity in
testfiles for search evaluation (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Tom Rowlands and Paul Thomas
in Proceedings of the SIGIR workshop on redundancy, diversity and interdependent document relevance. Boston, USA, pp. 31-38.
94. Nullification test collections for web spam and SEO (pdf) BiBTeX
Jones, Timothy, Sankaranarayana, Ramesh and Hawking, David and Craswell, Nick
in AIRWeb 2009: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web. Madrid, Spain, pp. 53-60.
93. Quality-oriented search for depression portals (pdf) BiBTeX
Thanh Tang, Ramesh Sankaranarayana and David Hawking, Kathleen Griffiths and Nick Craswell
in Proceedings of ECIR 2009. Toulouse, France, pp. 637-644.
92. Server selection methods in personal metasearch:
a comparative empirical study (pdf) BiBTeX
Paul Thomas and David Hawking
Information Retrieval 12(5), pp. 581-604.
91. Anonymous folksonomies for small enterprise webs: a case study (pdf) BiBTeX
Tom Rowlands, David Hawking and Ramesh Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of ADCS 2008. .
90. Experiences evaluating personal metasearch (pdf) BiBTeX
Paul Thomas and David Hawking
in Proceedings of IIiX 2008. .
89. A framework for measuring the impact of Web spam. (pdf) BiBTeX
Timothy Jones, David Hawking and Ramesh Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of ADCS 2007. .
88. Does Brandname Influence Perceived Search Result Quality? Yahoo! Google, and WebKumara (pdf) BiBTeX
Peter Bailey, Paul Thomas and David Hawking
in Proceedings of ADCS 2007. Melbourne, Australia.
87. Towards higher quality health search results: Automated
quality rating of depression websites (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Thanh Tang and Ramesh Sankaranarayana, Kathleen Griffiths and Nick Craswell and Peter Bailey
in Proceedings of Medinfo 2007 Workshop on ``Models of trust for health websites". Brisbane, Australia.
86. Evaluating sampling methods for uncooperative collections (pdf) BiBTeX
Paul Thomas and David Hawking
in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2007. Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 503-510.
85. Fast Generation of Result Snippets in Web Search (pdf) BiBTeX
Andrew Turpin, Yohannes Tsegay and David Hawking and Hugh Williams
in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2007. Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 127-134.
84. Workload sampling for enterprise search evaluation (pdf) BiBTeX
Tom Rowlands, David Hawking and Ramesh Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2007. Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 887-888.
83. CSIRO's participation in INEX 2006 (pdf) BiBTeX
Alexander Krumpholz and David Hawking
in (Ed.s), Advances in XML Information Retrieval and Evaluation: INEX 2006. Springer-Verlag, pp. 73-81.
82. Does Topic Metadata Help with Web Search? (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Justin Zobel
JASIST 58(5), pp. 613-628.
81. Improving rankings in small-scale web search using click-implied descriptions (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Tom Rowlands and Matt Adcock
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems. ADCS 2006 special issue. 9(2), pp. 17-24.
80. InexBib - Retrieving XML Elements Based on External Evidence (pdf) BiBTeX
Alexander Krumpholz and David Hawking
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems. ADCS 2006 special issue. 9(2), pp. 72-79.
79. Secure Search in Enterprise Webs: Tradeoffs in Efficient
Implementation for Document Level Security (pdf) BiBTeX
Peter Bailey, David Hawking and Brett Matson
in Proceedings of CIKM 2006. Arlington, VA.
78. Evaluation by Comparing Result Sets in Context (pdf) BiBTeX
Paul Thomas and David Hawking
in Proceedings of CIKM 2006. Arlington, VA.
77. How things work: Web Search Engines (Part 1) (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
IEEE Computer June, 2006, pp. 86-88.
76. How things work: Web Search Engines (Part 2) (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
IEEE Computer August, 2006, pp. 88-90.
75. Toward meaningful test collections for information
integration benchmarking (pdf) BiBTeX
Peter Bailey, David Hawking and Alexander Krumpholz
in Proceedings of IIWeb 2006 (WWW Workshop). Edinburgh, UK.
74. Quality and Relevance of Domain-specific Search: A Case Study
in Mental Health (pdf) BiBTeX
Thanh Tang, Nick Craswell and David Hawking, Kathleen Griffiths and Helen Christensen
Information Retrieval 9(2), pp. 207-225.
73. A Perspective on Web Information Retrieval (Introduction to the
Web IR Special Issue) (pdf) BiBTeX
Massimo Melucci and David Hawking
Information Retrieval 9(2), pp. 207-225.
72. TREC 14 Enterprise Track at CSIRO and ANU (pdf) BiBTeX
Mingfang Wu, Paul Thomas and David Hawking
in Proceedings of TREC-2005. Gaithersburg, MD.
71. Recommended Reading for IR Research Students (pdf) BiBTeX
Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel and David Hawking (Ed.s)
SIGIR Forum 39(2), pp. 3-14.
70. Automated Assessment of the Quality of Depression Websites (pdf) BiBTeX
Kathleen Griffiths, Thanh Tang and David Hawking and Helen Christensen
Journal of Medical Internet Research , 2005.
69. Server Selection Methods in Hybrid Portal Search (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Paul Thomas
in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2005. Salvador, Brazil, pp. 75-82.
68. Context in Enterprise Search and Delivery (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, C\'ecile Paris and Ross Wilkinson and Mingfang Wu
in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2005 Workshop on Information Retrieval in Context (IRiX). Salvador, Brazil, pp. 14-16.
67. Focused crawling for both relevance and quality of medical
information (pdf) BiBTeX
Thanh Tang, David Hawking and Nick Craswell and Kathleen Griffiths
in Proceedings of CIKM 2005. Bremen, Germany, pp. 147-154.
66. The Very Large Collection and Web Tracks (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Nick Craswell
in Ellen Voorhees and Donna Harman (Ed.s), TREC: Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval. MIT Press.
65. Focused Crawling in Depression Portal Search: A Feasibility
Study (pdf) BiBTeX
Thanh Tang, David Hawking and Nick Craswell and Ramesh S. Sankaranarayana
in Proceedings of the Australasian Document Computing Symposium ADCS 2004. Melbourne, Australia, pp. 2-9.
64. Overview of the TREC-2004 Web Track (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell and David Hawking
in Proceedings of TREC-2004. Gaithersburg, MD.
63. Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, Francis Crimmins and David Hawking and Alistair Moffat
in Proceedings of the Australasian Database Conference ADC2004. Dunedin, New Zealand, pp. 161-170.
62. How Valuable is External Link Evidence when Searching
Enterprise Webs? (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Nick Craswell and Francis Crimmins and Trystan Upstill
in Proceedings of the Australasian Database Conference ADC2004. Dunedin, New Zealand, pp. 77-84.
61. Challenges in Enterprise Search (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of the Australasian Database Conference ADC2004. Dunedin, New Zealand, pp. 15-26.
60. Towards Better Weighting of Anchors (Poster) (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Trystan Upstill and Nick Craswell
in Proceedings of SIGIR 2004. Sheffield, UK, pp. 512-513.
59. TREC12 Web and Interactive Tracks at CSIRO (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and Trystan Upstill, Alistair McLean and Ross Wilkinson and Mingfang Wu
in Proceedings of TREC-2003. Gaithersburg, MD.
58. Overview of the TREC-2003 Web Track (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and Ross Wilkinson and Mingfang Wu
in Proceedings of TREC-2003. Gaithersburg, MD.
57. Predicting Fame and Fortune: PageRank or Indegree? (pdf) BiBTeX
Trystan Upstill, Nick Craswell and David Hawking
in Proceedings of the Australasian Document Computing Symposium, ADCS2003. Canberra, Australia, pp. 31-40.
56. Query-independent evidence in home page finding (pdf) BiBTeX
Trystan Upstill, Nick Craswell and David Hawking
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 21(3), pp. 286-313.
55. Result Merging Strategies for a Current News MetaSearcher (pdf) BiBTeX
Yves Rasolofo, David Hawking and Jacques Savoy
Information Processing and Management , 2003, pp. 581-609.
54. On Collection Size and Retrieval Effectiveness (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Stephen Robertson
Information Retrieval 6(1), pp. 99-150.
53. Engineering a multi-purpose test collection for Web retrieval experiments (pdf) BiBTeX
Peter Bailey, Nick Craswell and David Hawking
Information Processing and Management 39(6), pp. 853-871.
52. Very Large Scale Information Retrieval (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Gregory Grefenstette and Steve Rennals (Ed.s), Text and Speech Triggered Information Access. Springer.
51. Automated Discovery of Search Interfaces on the Web (pdf) BiBTeX
Jared Cope, Nick Craswell and David Hawking
in The Fourteenth Australasian Database Conference. .
50. TREC11 Web and Interactive Tracks at CSIRO (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and James Thom, Trystan Upstill and Ross Wilkinson and Mingfang Wu
in Proceedings of TREC-2002. Gaithersburg, MD.
49. Overview of the TREC-2002 Web Track (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell and David Hawking
in Proceedings of TREC-2002. Gaithersburg, MD.
48. CSIRO INEX experiments: XML search using PADRE (pdf) BiBTeX
Anne-Marie Vercoustre, James A. Thom and Alexander Krumpholz, Ian Mathieson and Peter Wilkins, Mingfang Wu and Nick Craswell and David Hawking
in INEX 2002 Workshop. .
47. Buying bestsellers online: A case study in Search and Searchability (pdf) BiBTeX
Trystan Upstill, Nick Craswell and David Hawking
in 7th Australasian Document Computing Symposium. .
46. XML Document Retrieval with PADRE (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and Alexander Krumpholz, Ian Mathieson and James A. Thom, Anne-Marie Vercoustre and Peter Wilkins and Mingfang Wu
in 7th Australasian Document Computing Symposium. .
45. Enterprise search: What works and what doesn't (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Nick Craswell and Francis Crimmins and Trystan Upstill
in Proceedings of the Infonortics Search Engines Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
44. Measuring search engine quality (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Nick Craswell and Peter Bailey and Kathleen Griffiths
Information Retrieval 4(1), pp. 33-59.
43. Effective site finding using link anchor information (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and Stephen Robertson
in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2001. New Orleans, LA, pp. 250-257.
42. Which search engine is best at finding airline site home pages? (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and Kathleen Griffiths
Tech Report: 01, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences.
41. Which search engine is best at finding online services? (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Nick Craswell and Kathleen Griffiths
in Poster Proceedings of WWW10. Hong Kong.
40. Overview of the TREC-2001 Web Track (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Nick Craswell
in Proceedings of TREC-2001. Gaithersburg, MD.
39. TREC10 Web and Interactive Tracks at CSIRO (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and Ross Wilkinson and Mingfang Wu
in Proceedings of TREC-2001. Gaithersburg, MD.
38. Panoptic Expert: Searching for experts not just for documents (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and Anne-Marie Vercoustre and Peter Wilkins
in Ausweb Poster Proceedings. Coffs Harbour, Australia.
37. Server Selection on the World Wide Web (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, Peter Bailey and David Hawking
in Proceedings of the ACM Digital Libraries Conference. San Antonio, TX, pp. 37-46.
36. Overview of TREC-9 Web Track (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of TREC-9. Gaithersburg, MD, pp. 131-150.
35. ACSys/CSIRO TREC-9 Experiments (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of TREC-9. Gaithersburg, MD.
34. Dark matter on the Web (pdf) BiBTeX
Peter Bailey, Nick Craswell and David Hawking
in WWW-9 Poster Proceedings. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
33. An intranet reality check for TREC ad hoc (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Peter Bailey and Nick Craswell
Tech Report: , CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences.
32. Chart of darkness: Mapping a large intranet (pdf) BiBTeX
Peter Bailey, Nick Craswell and David Hawking
Tech Report: , CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences.
31. Efficient and flexible search using text and metadata (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Peter Bailey and Nick Craswell
Tech Report: , CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences.
30. Is it fair to evaluate Web systems using TREC ad hoc methods? (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, Peter Bailey and David Hawking
in ACM SIGIR 1999 Workshop on Web Retrieval. .
29. Merging Results from Isolated Search Engines (pdf) BiBTeX
Nick Craswell, David Hawking and Paul Thistlewaite
in Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Database Conference. Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 189-200.
28. Overview of TREC-8 Web track (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Ellen Voorhees and Nick Craswell and Peter Bailey
in Proceedings of TREC-8. Gaithersburg, MD, pp. 131-150.
27. ACSys TREC-8 experiments (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Peter Bailey and Nick Craswell
in Proceedings of TREC-8. Gaithersburg, MD.
26. Results and challenges in Web search evaluation (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Nick Craswell and Paul Thistlewaite and Donna Harman
in Proceedings of WWW8. , pp. 1321-1330.
25. Methods for Information Server Selection (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Paul Thistlewaite
ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 17(1), pp. 40-76.
24. Scaling Up the TREC Collection (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Paul Thistlewaite and Donna Harman
Information Retrieval 1(1), pp. 115-137.
23. Plans for the TREC-9 Web Track (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
SIGIR Forum 33(2), pp. 17-18.
22. ACSys TREC-7 Experiments (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Nick Craswell and Paul Thistlewaite
in Proceedings of TREC-7. , pp. 299-312.
21. Overview of TREC-7 Very Large Collection Track (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Nick Craswell and Paul Thistlewaite
in Proceedings of TREC-7. , pp. 91-104.
20. Coping with Growing Collections of Electronic Text (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Kerry Webb
in Proceedings of the Ninth Victorian Association for Library Automation Biennial Conference. , pp. 183-191.
19. A Distributed-Memory Algorithm for Lexicon Building (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 44(1), pp. 80-87.
18. PADRE for COWs (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of the Sixth Parallel Computing Workshop, PCW97. .
17. Scalable Text Retrieval for Large Digital Libraries (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of the First European Conference on Digital Libraries. , pp. 127-146.
16. Overview of TREC-6 Very Large Collection Track (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Paul Thistlewaite
in Proceedings of TREC-6. , pp. 93-106.
15. ANU/ACSys TREC-6 Experiments (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Paul Thistlewaite and Nick Craswell
in Proceedings of TREC-6. , pp. 275-290.
14. A Parallel Architecture For Query Processing
over a Terabyte of Text (pdf) BiBTeX
Peter Bailey and David Hawking
Tech Report: , Department of Computer Science, The Australian National University, Canberra.
13. Document Retrieval in OCR-Scanned Text (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of the Sixth Parallel Computing Workshop. .
12. Document Retrieval Performance on Parallel Systems (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference On Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications. , pp. 1354-1365.
11. A Parallel Document Retrieval Server for the World
Wide Web (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Peter Bailey and David Campbell
in Proceedings of the Australian Document Computing Symposium. , pp. 73-78.
10. Relevance Weighting Using Distance Between Term
Occurrences (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Paul Thistlewaite
Tech Report: , Department of Computer Science, The Australian National University.
9. ANU/ACSys TREC-5 Experiments (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Paul Thistlewaite and Peter Bailey
in Proceedings of TREC-5. , pp. 359-376.
8. The Design and Implementation of a Parallel
Document Retrieval Engine (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
Tech Report: , Department of Computer Science, The Australian National University, Canberra.
7. Proximity Operators - So Near And Yet So Far (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Paul Thistlewaite
in Proceedings of TREC-4. , pp. 131-143.
6. A PADRE in MUFTI (A Multi User Free Text retrieval
Intermediary) (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking, Peter Bailey and David Campbell, Paul Thistlewaite and Andrew Tridgell
in Proceedings of the Fourth International Parallel Computing Workshop. , pp. 75-84.
5. PADRE --- A Parallel Document Retrieval Engine (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of the Third Fujitsu Parallel Computing Workshop. .
4. Searching for Meaning with the help of a PADRE (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Paul Thistlewaite
in Proceedings of TREC-3. , pp. 257-267.
3. Towards a Practical Information Retrieval System for
the AP1000 (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking and Peter Bailey
in Proceedings of the Second Fujitsu Parallel Computing Workshop. .
2. PADDY's Progress (Further Experiments in Free-Text
Retrieval on the AP1000) (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of the First Annual Users' Meeting of Fujitsu Parallel Computing Research Facilities. .
1. High Speed Search of Large Text Bases On the Fujitsu
Cellular Array Processor (pdf) BiBTeX
David Hawking
in Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Supercomputing Conference. , pp. 83-90.